Legal Information and Resources for The Rainforester

The Rainforester is a private limited company, incorporated in England and Wales in October 2018.

Registered Company Number: 11603958

VAT Registration No.: 330 7743 13

EORI No. (for importing): GB070896877000. Issued: 28/08/19

SIC Code (for gathering of wild growing NTFPs): 02300014

The Rainforester’s registered and principal office/kitchen is at:

Pegtop Farm
United Kingdom

Data Protection

If you choose to share your name, email and/or postal address with us, then we will store this information on our database, where it will be held securely in the UK.

Access to the database is limited to only those members who need to see it in order to process orders, reply to correspondence and to make you aware of events, appeals and news. We will only send these to you where appropriate and where we have your consent to do so.